I need more help with like... everything

Ok, so I need help with a randomizer for this map. I also need to make it so that when u get knocked out, you are forced to become a spectator. Can You Help?

You get a life cycle device, and wire it to a team switcher. Make sure the team switcher is set to spectator and you should be good!

What specifically do you need help with for the randomizer?

The randomizer is making it so that a damager’s insults are random like in Ascent of Mt. Snowy.

This should be simple. The randomizer should look something like this in blocks.

And this is for a knockout manager ending the game.

Don’t mind the stuff in the background. It’s uhh- testing map.

So in here, the knockout manager transmits on knockedOut when a player is knocked out. A end game device ends the game when receiving on knockedOut.

Ok, thanks @Slim. That helps a lot. If u want to put all of the things together, I’ll mark you as the solution

If you mean join your game, game codes aren’t allowed.

I can’t anyway. :person_shrugging:

sorry i think he meant put all of the things together so he can mark you as a solution… :person_shrugging:

It is all in one post?

put a lifecycle set it to player knocked out and then wire it to a team switcher put specific team and then speactators

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