So im making a map for me and my clan, (cookie Drones) and I wanted to make a game where we published it with things to do that we do on a daily, but I don’t really know what to do?
Can I get some ideas?
also @Ali-DaWolf Do you have any ideas since you are the secondary leader?
And we have a space theme to do in the main room but I don’t know what to do for the activities, we already have a member room so I don’t need that, but I need ideas of some minigames that are cookie based.
Okay so no this is not advertisement I’m just slow
- Is this advertising for ur clan…
- well, u cant ask us to tell u ideas, when half of us dunno what it is, and we arnt even part of the clan.
imean, you go to teach at a school, then ask a baker what you should teach in math class.
what kind of reassoning is this?
Inform us more
uhh idk what your clan is or is about but you could decorate on make cookies emojis everywhere
make some type of oven with cookies in it.
cookie drones flying in the air.
make a giant glass of milk with diving board for cookie.
cookie cars.
gingerbread houses
cookies floating outside (in space).
Little emoji cookie that you make bigger and the put eyes, hands, mouth.
(These could be your minions/ like umpa lumpas).
also, a cookie launcher since its anti-gravity
you could make cookie robots that are cookies with little robot legs
(if you get the joke u are great)
that is great
kinda what I was going for but great idea.
Dodge ball, with cookies. or gym with cookies as weights on literally everything. basketball with cookies
you could call these basketball cookies Dunks.
you could do slingshots for cookie slingshots
That would be funny for a work out room… like that episode of spongebob and the teddy bears.
cookie vending machine.
A mall shaped like a cookie where most stores are baking stores but, some are technology stores for drones, gaming, security. At certain stores you can interact with your cookie minions (just put a sentry behind them) and you can buy thing’s from that shop.
@N_MD do any of these ideas work?
Yes almost all of them do, now I just have to do the ort.
Something like this?
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