I need ideas for my Poi's for my platformer gimnite battle royale map

So far I have a club and a forest. I need at least 5 more.

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a castle

A cave
(man this limit of 20 characters)

either a big house or a playground idk :')

we should collab sometime i am building a BR map too we could maybe some help to each other
A billon mares mansion with Elon Musk in it

A decayed winter forest that is dead and filled with vengeful revived corpses (Ozi sentries) loot obtainable from the POI is snowball launchers and snowballs. Possible castle made of dark stone to be ruled by a necromancer living in its dark throne room.

A cool idea is a temple with traps. So add an area with 4 buttons. One will let them get loot. While the others are a trap.
1st button. Traps them in a box for 1 minute
2nd button. Makes them lost half health
3rd button. Blocks the entrance off so they have to break free
That is a cool idea in my opinion.
The item you receive is that wand thing idk the name and make it a rare/epic


Abandoned town

  • Military base
  • City
  • Remote cabin the the
  • Bunker/Vault with potential loot
  • Office
  • Trader that can trade loot
  • prison
  • supermarket
  • random lab

uh, a restaurant. like taco bell, or something similar

Space areas
The Moon

Friendly sentry to help the characte?

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