I need help with making the game end automatically

i will try doing that hope it works

I’m not the best with devices but hopefully it does work for you!

Remember to mark a solution though!

you don’t need to mark a solution until you know it works

Yea i think that’s what gimkitnoobie meant

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Let’s not try to clutter though.


I’ll get some pictures up soon.

Ok here is a guide on how to make and automatic ending!
First here are all the materials you need!
Zones (depends on condition how many)
Knock out manager
End Game Device
Starting Inventory
Wire Repeater

Once you have all these materials you can ge started. First make it so that when the bed is destroyed, activate the zone (which is going to stretch across the whole map area)

Second, make it so that the starting inventory is something simple, like a banana. Make sure that you won’t need that banana for anything in the game expept the end game things.

Third, make it so that the checker is on BANANA. That will be the only thing you’ll have to do for the checker. You can find that by clicking the checker and then on the top click Checker #1

Fourth make it so that when player enters zone, Run check. Do that by connecting a wire from the zone to the checker.

Fifth, use the wire repeater and make it so that you connect the ZONE FIRST to the wire reapeter. Then click when player enters zone, start wire pulse, our something like that. Then use a wire from the WIRE REPEATER to the ZONE. It should say when… wire repeater runs pulse… Deactivate zone.

Sixth, click on the wire repeater and make the delay time 0.5 seconds.

Then make it so that there is a wire from the CHECKER to the COUNTER. IT should say when check passes… incremate counter.

After that make it so that when player knocked out, decremate counter. DO that by connecting a wire from the KNOCKOUT DEVICE to the COUNTER

BTW make it so that when you click the counter, the target value is 0. Then connect the counter to the endgame device. The wire should say whe Target value reached… end game

After all that make it so that the counter and knock out manager’s scope is TEAM not GLOBAL

And that should be it!
p.s you can but the counter where ever you want in the map. Just make sure that you can filnd it later on!


Well try using the zone dector and end game device wire them together and that’s how to do it!

Pls tell me if this worked and feel free to ask questions!

you should really change your bio cuz you got regular like 16 hours ago lol

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System at the top

Set lifecycle to listen for game start

Wire lifecycle to relay, keep relay for all players.

Wire relay to trigger. Give the trigger this block:

Give counter 1 these broadcasts:

Counter 2:

Give both counters a target value of 0.

Wire both counters to the end game.

System in the middle

Wire bed to counter with a starting value of 1.

Make a property called “Bed of team 1” with these settings:

Make the counter update the property:

Do the same thing on the other side, but change the property’s name to have a 2 instead of a 1 (be sure to update the counter too).

System at the bottom

Make the lifecycle listen for when the player is knocked out.

Wire the lifecycle to the trigger.

Give the trigger this block:

(trust me, it looks weird, but it works)

Give the team switcher these settings:

This should work, I tested it. It uses 1417 memory.


I feel like my way is simpler but you can just choose which one is better. Btw that looks great! Im not sure if mine wroks anyway

Your’s is a whopping ten steps.

Yeah. But idk if it works

I mean even though mine is 10 steps it doesnt require as much devices. And his is split into sections. So if i split mine into sections it wouldnt be 10 steps either.

i tested yours gimslayer i does not work unless i did something wrong

Just use a end game device, like when bed is destroyed, end game automatically @king-brain if you need me to explain more just ping me!

Use this

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Don’t think checkers can do that…