I need Help with ideas for this game please?

I need to make a game for my therapy assignment and I don’t know what I’m going to make it about, I have to have it include emotions and stuff can I get some ideas please?

well if its for a therapy assignment you could do something thats happening in real life like trouble with friends, trouble at school, maybe with a sibling. idk just some random ideas


You could also include a stress level, and when it gets too high, the player d1es.
Edit: You could also make it to where instead of dying, the player has a heart attack, and the player has to do a task to survive. If the player fails, they d1e. But if they succeed, they survive the heart attack.

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Yeah, so i have Anger, Sadness, Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, and Mental Breakdown.
Those are the characters, your supposed to be inside my head, and Im having for anger you talk to a gim and it tells you you must find something to cope with the anger before he explodes and I want to make it to where if you don’t find the correct item within a time frame (unknown so please give me time frame) it gives you a red seed, if you get 3 red seeds it unlocks the mental breakdown which gives you one last chance to fix everything

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Im trying to think of a valid amount of time to find the coping skill in a maze this big…
Its pretty big, I cant even screen shot it.