As some of you know, I am making DLD Part 2. I am trying to make all the summits the modes released after DLD. I can’t find the knockback terrain though. Is it just not out yet, or is it glitching?
What do you mean by knockback terrain
It isn’t out yet
They mean the platform props used in knockback btw
The knockback props are not yet availible to us
They’re actually props and not terrain btw
You’ll just have to wait for them to come out or make your own with barriers
Ohh okay.
If they do release it, then it’ll probably only be available to season ticket holders unfortunately.
I see that slim and wywy have decided everything… but I will say that it seems to me that the update in which they will add the terrain from kb will be in the next update, since kb has been around for a long time, they have even added all the mechanics and gadgets from kb, and there is still no terrain
we are waiting for the next update!
It has not been added yet, and I don’t think they will add it anytime soon
Sorry I was inactive for like 3 hours, but I checked the changelog after I got these messages and you are right. They somehow added Apocalypse stuff, but not kb.
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