I need help with game ideas

Hey this is Mysterio (soon to be sharkba1t), and I wanna make, yet another, game ideas request.

So all I know is that the game is kinda gonna be like squid game, except with different rounds. Please, I need ideas for rounds



(Edit: Reply when you can)

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minigame guides are your best friend here.


You want me to make a guide on this?

You’re @ThatUnderTaleGuy on the Wix, right?


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Uh, nope

But now that you bring it up, what is the wix???

To the guide or being the person?

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Oh yeah, well, I’m not him

But you can still make a guide : )


Also, can the minigames be made up minigames, because I don’t wanna do just the original floor is lava or spleef

(Also, it’s Top Down so…)

What if you had puzzles in the minigames? Also, I want to know what type of game you’re making so I can help you with more Focused Advice.

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Its top down
Its basically squid game

That’s basically it.


Thanks! Than puzzles! I think people would love puzzles because it makes the game more interesting. Also, maybe add some twists! To the puzzles of course. (Rated E) Kind of like the actual game, but better! Also, maybe add NPC’s to act as the guards, but have them activate on certain times, but don’t make it exactly like the real thing. Thoughts?


Thanks now what should the title be, once I get that than I’m done.

I gtg go, but for now, I think the name should be the Myst games. Because of the mystery!

Thanks I’m marking something as sollution.

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