I need help with channels

I asked for your favorite books, not your favorite person.

Heā€™s not my favorite person, but the four books he wrote are #1-4 on my list.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

im from gimkit discord lol


This topic was automatically opened after 12 hours.

What is that pfp? I canā€™t make heads or tails on it.

Space eel.

Whereā€™s the head, and whereā€™s the tail? I literally cannot make heads or tails off of this.

Why was this closed for flagging? Is that why @sheluvschase is suspended?

For causing unnecessary arguments and drama that couldā€™ve been easily avoided and steering multiple posts off-topic.

Who was flagging? I think people need to understnad this basic thing I came up with just now: You off-topic, you are off of here!

We all were. Also, they called @Kyro underrated and a very not nice word that starts with an r.

What word? I canā€™t think of any mean words that start with r and I canā€™t find it in any of the replies.

The word was rizzalicious.

Itā€™s not in the dictionary, what does it mean? Is it a gimkit word?

It means full of rizz.

Whatā€™s wrong with that? Rizz is a good thing!

Okay bruh.

head is in the center (the little black ovals are eyes), tail is offscreen

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please mark solution!