I need help with art

I have another image that I have. Maybe you can just make it instead of cave like, add a sky. Keep the fire, and just add some snow.

This is the second draft:

(Will make bigger)

You could base the image off that. And get a bit of inspiration, then break some pillars and make it older.

That seems pretty good! You might wanna use barriers or something like that and make it spew up maybe. You could also make it so they actually take damage from it.

(Something funny could be they try to escape but the essence says, “Oh no you don’t.” then grabs them back in the fight.)

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Hmm, remnant? No… William Afton does not deserve to be on the forums…

Could I… Perhaps… Make another prototype?
Not saying yours is bad, I honestly just like making maps :slight_smile:

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