I need help with a ThumbnaiI

So im making a Gimkit game and i need a thumbnail TN stands for thumbnail

heres whats going on a gim jumping on WHITE barriers annoyed that they are all the way back there (They are also looking up at a sketch gim on RED barriers who is going through the parkor fast also i want a big smily face circle thing on the side of the screen like a puppeteer

kinda like this but the head is yellow instead of white

also the title is Gim Possible Difficulty Chart

Here are the difficulties

Lobby was the final touch :exploding_head:
I’ll do it (and so will trix)! >:3


yes it was the final touch also thx for doing it

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Can I do a custom one please?

ofc wait will it have the thing I wanted? if not still thats fine

what colors are their
this is what i have so far


um no i didnt mind you can choose

the colors are here

also could you add some more of the parkor level dont have to be to much of the difficulty

I could try! (can I change the barriers from red to green cuz it would make a bit more sense)

ig that wuld make sense sure why not


also thx for making the tn

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also can you make the face yellow please

is this good changed the face and added the parkoar i added a teleporter cus i was running out of space


thats good

try to add a background tho

yeh its just a start maybe for once i might have chance of having mu thumnail featured

? wdym by thumbnail featured

like someone uses my thumnail also what background you want

im gonna do one tomorrow