I know what you are thinking, it’s going to be another one of those games that you have to keep replaying the game to get in the right box! Well, you’re mistaken. (That’s if that’s what you thought of course) Instead, I’m making an ACTUAL RNG game! like one where you roll to get certain things. And I need your help and ideas to bring this game to the discovery! Now what are your ideas? (If it’s even possible)
Alright, thanks! I’ll check it out! and if I need any help ill just ask.
lmao I made the guide so if you need any help just ask
wdym to the discovery…all the games go to discovery one way or another
In certain cases, not really, you could altogether just not post it to discovery and keep it “Secret” I guess you could say.
Anyway, @Coolcaden26, I do need a little help with your guide. In one of the parts you go into a device and click on the “Blocks” section, and you say “This is what the blocks look like” Or something like that, but I don’t know how to make those blocks out. (Btw I’m on Chromebook if that helps) This is what it looks like for me.
triggers can use random num generators
Are you referring to the blocks for the RNG? Those are done in a trigger.