I need help with a boss level

Uh i was active yesterday… I had school

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Yes but I have not replied to you in a while. Just let me say hi, Please.


@MirMirCreates was definitely on yesterday. They helped troubleshoot with my map…

Well I was not there! And please, backeth oneth topiceth

KK lol. hi!!!

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Welcome to the forums @FunLion !

Don’t forget to check out the Forum beginners and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

While you’re at it, I suggest also reading the TOS and FAQ.

If you need help with anything, just ask! After all, this is a Community Forum :slight_smile:

Codes (click to open)

We have noticed that a lot of new users post pictures when asking for help and, hey, thats ok, but many people put codes within them :open_mouth: codes are not allowed :slight_smile: so if you want to post a code, put it on the wixsite!


As you journey through life, may you find joy in every step, courage in every challenge, and inspiration in every moment. Me, Caternaught the art enthusiast, wishes you Great luck as you face through life’s problems. Remember, life isn’t about hating the mistakes you make, but the wisdom you find after.

  • Caternaught

@leahciM @VWOOM

Welcome to the forums @Bookwyrm703 !

Don’t forget to check out the Forum beginners and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

While you’re at it, I suggest also reading the TOS and FAQ.

If you need help with anything, just ask! After all, this is a Community Forum :slight_smile:

Codes (click to open)

We have noticed that a lot of new users post pictures when asking for help and, hey, thats ok, but many people put codes within them :open_mouth: codes are not allowed :slight_smile: so if you want to post a code, put it on the wixsite!


As you journey through life, may you find joy in every step, courage in every challenge, and inspiration in every moment. Me, Caternaught the art enthusiast, wishes you Great luck as you face through life’s problems. Remember, life isn’t about hating the mistakes you make, but the wisdom you find after.

  • Caternaught

? why ping me

No spam please

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He wasn’t spamming. How is that spamming. Spamming is like adding that little robot to the forum

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cause u said i welcome others.

:slight_smile: ok

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i was welcoming the people i didnt welcome (No spam)

He could’ve mentioned two users in the same post not make 2 posts that say basically the exact same thing

So? He’s just being nice!

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i didnt notce @Bookwyrm703 joined a day ago until I checked

(don’t “there’s an edit button” me I forgot at the moment)

Can we please get back on topic?

Editing a post exists
No more arguing

@Cellofive can we just move on

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don’t “there’s an edit button” I forgot at the momen