So I’m making a sequel to my game, Gim explore. This new game relies heavily on story and its like evil plants took over the world. Kinda like One Way Out but on a bigger scale. Anyway, in development I came across a problem. You see, the main boss of this game is called The Mother and she leads the plants and stuff, right. I wanted to design a really epic fight for her but I have no idea how to get her too fire projectiles at the player I know how she’ll be damaged and stuff but not that so please help! Thanks.
Click on the sentry then click on the button on the bottom left that changes its range or give her a gadget with long range Ex. P.M.L Slingshot, Wooden Wand, Quantum Portal all are long range gadgets
ok thank you for the help I guess I shoulda thought of that!
Also for cool boss battles I make it so that when you knock out the sentry another one spawns around the room (makes you have to re-find peaks)
ok thank you I might do that!
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