I need help on making a Super for my Brawl Stars game

Could someone show me how to make a super that charges by hitting an opponent, or charges over time? (or whatever is possible)

what is a “super”?

In Brawl Stars, your main attack or after a period of time, charges up that brawlers specific “super” which each has different abilities.

I have an idea. You could make a button that has a cool down to click. Using the overlay device. Then make it so when the button is clicked it activates a damage boost so that the player is doing more damage for a duration of time.

Other “supers” could include stronger gadgets, speed, etc.

Ok! I definitely could use a super that does that! Thanks

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For an ability that charges over time, use a wire repeater clock by wiring two wire repeaters to each other, both with a delay of one second. They also increase a counter. When that counter hits it’s target, the ability is fully charged. It then resets the counter when they use the ability.

Sadly, we can’t tell when a player hits another player. Alternatively, maybe it could charge by knockouts.


Ok that helps soooo much thanks!

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