I need help making it morning and night with one gigantic barrier night (10 seconds) morning (20 seconds)
Are you in top-down or platformer?
I’m in a top-down so yea
I think all you need is night since platformer anyways has a day sky.
Yea that’s what I mean
Morning only has 20 seconds until nighttime
Sure. Trigger loop with one having a delay of 20 and broadcasting on “night”. the other one has a delay of 10, broadcasting on “day”. On day, the night deactivates, and the day activates. On night, deactivate day and activate the night. Hope this helps!
So make a barrier.
Make its color black.
Then give it a fairly low opacity.
Then set it to not appear on game start and to appear on channel “night”.
Then make a trigger/repeater/counter some kind of counting mechanism
And every 10 seconds, trigger the barrier by broadcasting on a channel night.
And then every 20 seconds, untrigger it by broadcasting on channel day.
Toxic beat me to it lol.
If it helped I would’ve liked to solution 2 things but I can’t so. Wow
You could also give it to Toxic, if you think we both posted the same thing, as he posted first.
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