This is for my minecraft in gimkit game
I need like dynamic grass
You can’t. Use barriers (the barrier device) to design it so it looks like custom blocks. Tint the barriers colors and resize them.
is it collectable? or something or should i use like seeds
Using seeds or other items that you can pick up would work.
Use seeds. It’s not collectable.
Barriers isn’t collectable
how do i make all the barriers disable at once
Transmit on a channel to availability.
Once they do a action transmit using wires or a channel
Could you elaborate on what you mean by “custom blocks”? blocks in Gimkit can mean many things like block code, Dynamic terrain, etc
thers going to be like 100 of thease blocks
dynamic terrain that is breakable
use channels to deactiviate
Yeah…use wires.
well, I’m not sure you can make custom terrain, and you can’t use wires with or damage regular terrain.
i can model dynamic blocks but i need a way to make hundreads with out using to much memory
Wouldn’t channels be easier then conneting all the wires?
Or just channels.