Ok. So, recently I’ve been working on a new map, where there will be a bunch of undertale boss fights. Mainly, a SCh fight. (Sudden changes) This is my first one by the way. I have blue bones green bones white bones and bullets (the bullets are from SCh) done, but the last feature i need is the orange bone. Basically, if the player is not moving while it hits them, they take damage. It probably has to do with the player coordinates device, but if anybody could please give me some tips on how to make one, it would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance.
I love the idea! Sadly, you can’t detect when you take damage currently. I don’t think this is possible with the current features. I could be wrong though lemme see what @Kosm0-o thinks.
Lol. I’ve been wondering how to make it for a while now too. I have an idea with a zone linked to player coords, but idrk how the coords work, since, in all of my previous maps, ive never had to use player coords device, so, its tricky!
Take a item to use as your thing to measure. Like a movement meter with energy.
Make it so when the attack is about to start you give them energy and activate their movement meter. Don’t give them too much energy though, and you will have to experiment yourself. Make it so when the orange bone starts it activates the movement meter energy.
Then so when they walk it takes away energy. After when they walk for like maybe a second or 2, they are now out of energy. After a second, using a trigger delay, check if they are out of energy. If they are out, then they don’t take damage. If they do have energy, they take damage.
Only problem with this is that unless your bone stretches across the entire map, it won’t really be easy to tell if a player is hit.
Oh! Nevermind. Use zones and animate the bone. So the bone has zones. When they step into the zone everything activates then after a second of them walking they don’t take damage