I need help everybody

I need to make it so that when I click a button everybody goes to a certain teleported

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wire a button to teleporter
then the relay for all the players.
and press when clicked teleport player here.


you just place a button and then add a wire running from the button to the teleporter, also welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the Forums @830101472
also do what everyone else said lol

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When one person clicks a button? The Host? or all the players?

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A button wired to a relay wired to a teleporter.


When someone clicks the button, they will be teleported to a certain place

The host I want the host to click the button

What does relay do? :dotted_line_face:

Button (pressed) → Relay (trigger relay)
Relay (trigged relay) → teleporter (teleport player here)

It could set the wire/channel pulse to a specific group/individual, in this case, you have to wire the button to the relay (that is set on ALL PLAYERS) and then wire the relay to the teleporter, the relay will make sure that the pulse is triggered to everybody in the game (since the relay is set on ALL PLAYERS) so they will all teleport to the teleporter when the button is pressed.

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Oh ok thanks but how do I make so that the teleporter goes to the relay with the wire :slight_smile:

Just wire

Button (pressed) → relay (trigger relay)
relay (triggered relay) → teleporter (teleport player here)

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Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate

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