I need help creating a save file

I’ve tried using several guides, but they aren’t what I’m looking for. I want to save a players level, (obviously tracked by a property), a player’s rank, (Again, tracked by a property), and the amount of cash a player has. The problem is, the level system and rank system I created are not that easy to incorporate into a save file for me. I have tried to create a save file using several save file guides, but none are really compatible with the rank and level system, so can someone please help me create a save file for them?
Edit: Either that or I don’t understand the guide


Is this saving your Ranked system???

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I’m guessing there is a way, I just don’t know if GKC has everything you want to do exactly as you want it.
Feel free to correct me if I’m mistaken.

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Yes, as well as my level system and the amount of cash the player has.


There is a way, it’s just not easy. As blackhole said, “in theory, anything is possible in GKC”.


What part specifically do you not understand and what guide are you using?


You could use a save code, and when the save code is entered, it automatically gives you your ranks back…
@CassiusDoomlorde did is in his Doodle Adventure game, and I played it a thousand times.

For Godspawnking

Could you post the code on the wix?
I added you to my bounty hunters group so we can do it privately…
It’s called:


I’ve used several over the course of a year, and there’s only one guide I didn’t understand. but the rest aren’t compatible with what I want to save.


I can help you with it, just post a code on my group and delete it once I j0in (I’m currently Custom Doomlorde for the merge event).


I think Fleet made a guide on it not too long ago :thinking:
EDIT: never mind that was for items


I tried that one right before posting this.


I have an idea, but I haven’t tested it.
At the end of the game, give the player a list of numbers.
Each number represents something that they could get.
So 1 = zapper, 2 = med kit
That sort of thing.
Then, when a game starts, have a spot to enter the code, and give the player the items they had based on the code they typed in.

Again, not sure if this would work.


My bad, accidental click on solution. I undid it.


It might, but it would be too easy to cheat…
For example, you could get 4 blasters when you really only had 2…
That kind of thing.

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Again, what specifically is not working? Otherwise, it’s a lot harder to help you.


Well, all the guides I’ve tried lean towards properties or inventory items. Not both


I think I have an idea…

Are you on the Wixsite currently?
I want to help you real quick…


Ye, we can work on it at 11:45, but I might have to get off for 5th period, we’ll see though…

  1. Go to your groups in your profile, and the bounty hunters should be there.
    :smile: ↩︎

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Btw @BountyHunterX I have to go in 2 minutes, but I can finish this later. maybe around 11:45?


Sure, but it is a way to have a save code of sorts.
If they cheat that’s up the them.


My idea involves item managers, properties, AND item granters, plus some minor other devices.
I’ll work on simulating in while I wait until 11:45.

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