I’m making a “Heckdivers” game and I need help making team reloads a thing.
So your trying to make it so that only one player can fire the blaster and the other player is the one that can reload it?
If so, I don’t think that is possible. According to what I know, but other people might know.
Is That Even Possible on Gimkit???
Well, one day maybe.
I mean it is but wouldn’t it require like, a lot of devices???
Oh dear gosh, it would but, I’ll do it for DEMOCRACY!
You could maybe code it so that after the player is holding the blaster in their inventory for a specific amount of time it prevents the player to fire the blaster and the other person gets ammo when that happens. Then they have to drop it to the other person. It’s just a idea, but until Gimkit makes a device that allows this.
Is it a stationary thing?
Yes and got to go for a few minutes.
Use a randomizer with starting inventory?
Alright, this is do-able, using teams.
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