I need a thumbnail 🙏

I need a thumbnail for a team vs team tactical warfare game called ballistic. Anything helps, and thank you! What I need:
Name: Ballistic
Summary: a team v team tactical game with upgrades and abilities
Setting: In a city
Gims: echo vs vortex
Doing: Fighting
Author: Tervor


First change the category to art.


I did it, do you have any ideas?

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Welcome to the forums! I see you have been here since Oct 3… and that’s okay… but welcome! I can attempt to create one for you… but can you go on and give some more detail? like… what gims…- If you need a thumbnail that is…


you can get someone here to draw one for you.

all ya gotta do is follow the pinned format at the top of the Art Category

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any gims are fine, but try to make some people hiding behind a barrier or something fighting off other player.


Cool! I can use this… is there a certain deadline that you want it done by?


No, I kina just started the game, so anytime under a month is fine. also, thank you!


I might have it done by tomorrow… maybe this afternoon.
Good luck on making the game! If you need any help, make sure to ask us. We can help!

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  1. Name of Game
  2. Summary of Game
  3. Setting
  4. What gims you want to be used
  5. What the gims are doing/character actions
  6. Author of Game

pls use this format when doing thumbnail requests


thanks for the feedback

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@maggostj30 can please change the topic bio (or whatever its called) to the same format what metal sonic did (after added I might do thumbnail)

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Name: Ballistic
Summary: a team v team tactical game with upgrades and abilities
Setting: In a city
Gims: echo vs vortex
Doing: Fighting
Author: Tervor

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I did it, please try to make something.

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I’ma start tomorrow and could you please add the format to the topic bio so it’s easier to find.
(My gallery is in my bio)

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bout to do this, just getting the gims

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almost done!


I like it, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for. Thank you anyway!

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Thumbnail Request Format
You should’ve seen this, it’s pinned