I need a Thumbnail for my cops and robbers game

I need a thumbnail for my cops and robbers game. I would preferably want a cop chasing a r0bber for the thumbnail.

change it to Art



thx notyoyo

ok I might do that<<<<<<

That’s great! How long do you think it will take?

I could also do that…


welcome back @BurntSplip

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u talking to me or no?

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Hello @Da_gimroller1234! I will try to make a thumbnail for this game! Hope you like it.
**Happy Early Birthday @NotYoyo

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Here is the final project. I hope you enjoy it!
Screenshot 2024-12-05 8.32.38 PM


This one should do! thanks so much!

Question: could you give me the link for the picture? That would be great. :slight_smile:

Sorry for not responding in a while! Here it is:
Screenshot 2024-12-05 8.32.38 PM|469x259
Just add an “!” to the beginning and it should load