Could you try to make one called the cursed pirate
Give some more details pls
what do you want in the thumnail, can you specificlly (dont know how spell) but how would you want it to look like?
Yea like name of the game
On the ocean
the cursed pirate
But what does it mean “On the ocean” and “The Cursed pirate”?
Setting on a island
game name the cursed pirate
what do you want on the thumnnail i can try making one
An island with water surrounded and some pirates
ig I’ll make one do you have a specific time you need me to finish by?
No take your time I’m not picky
@Alissa Here you go:
Love it so much you did a great job
thanks! if you need anything else @ me
nah its pretty good in my opinion @reg but still kinda goofy lol (not saying its bad)
Whats the art website you use? (if you have one)
It’s great better than I could do
i just use Canva @reg