I need a design for the interior of this building

@CaptionPuffy For the store do you want it to look VIP(pricy/fancy) with a swish of modern, or a cozy look(wood, stone, browns)?

Well, I just wanted to make sure you got what you needed help with!

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@ShadowDragon44 Fancy,

I’ll get right on it~ Should be done 20-30 mins

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The shop: *is going crazy because of how long these things take*
Shop area 1

Shop area 2

As you can see in the pics, I added employees/guards, display window to show case the 3 clothing in the “spotlight” (idek anymore ok-), there is also a checkout area. Thoughts?


Obi tho I’m not done, there was still more to do, just need a lil break and also didn’t wanna keep u waiting~

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That is AMAZING artwork, @ShadowDragon44!

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Eh its really more of a rough draft, but I’ll take it so THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU

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You should collaborate with Wolf. I think he’d like your style :slight_smile:
Anyways I gtg now. But, of course, keep being creative and do better!

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Sure, thanks again! (and I know I sound stupid but which Wolf-)

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WolfTechnology. I gtg now. Bye.

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Thats what I thought, I’ll let you go now bye


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