I need a better ranked system in my game, Dungeon Clash

Do you mind helping me with the code? I’m a little better at block code than last time, but I’m better at java script.


Btw, I have exactly an hour left, and after that I won’t be on until tomorrow.

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For simpler code, could you give me a list of all of your ranks?


Bronze I - III
Silver I - III
Gold I-III
Platinum I - III
Diamond I - III
Elite I - III
Champion I-III
Legend I-III

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So slight problem we’re a little bit over the block limit.

there’s not enough space to fit them?

Take out Platinum. All three. It’s the only way for my game to survive. ‘faints’


So slight problem I miscounted we’re still just over the limit.

That’s a lot of blocks.

Okay then, would leaving just one Legend rank work?

wait couldn’t you just make another block in that device along side your other block code?

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Yeah, I guess I’ll just have to split it up. We get to keep Platinum!


‘Resurrects himself’ Sweet Salvation!

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what’s ironic about it?

I don’t understand the irony but gonna act like I do

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Btw you saved platinum Gimkitsuggester, so partial credit for the block code goes to you.


Btw, Ik this is off topic, but going back up in this topic to the save file part, did I ever mark solution for the “save file update” topic I made over half a year ago? I can’t find the topic in my topics section. They may have removed it. In that case, I want to say the solution would’ve went to Here_to_Help, even though it didn’t work on my side. Anyways, back on topic.

This is for the notification:
First block code (from checker)

Second block code notif (from other code)

Code for the overlay coming right up!


Overlay code:

Wow that was way easier than the notification.


that was actually hilarious that you took that whole image just for that


Kinda the point…

Is there anything more you need help with @Godspawnking?