I made a kill button supposed to kill someone around me but all it does is kill the person who clicks it

I made a kill button supposed to kill someone around me but all it does is kill the person who clicks it

Get a relay and set it to like all players or random player or something and Link it to the system you have

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I think this might be the problem?

I also remember a post that I forgot the title but I’m pretty sure it’s here that you can kill yourself with a tag zone.

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you mean among us?

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Oh, so there’s a bug and it’s not just me?

It doesn’t do anything.

What are your Tag Zone and Game Overlay settings?
What’s the Tag Distance?
Can you provide a video if you can?
This might be due to an Impostor-Selecting problem so tinker around with that system.
When you debug, some device systems affect each other when one doesn’t work.

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hmm idk then

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The tag distance is 0.5 .

Does the Tag Zone activate on ButtonClicked?
Do you already have a system that switches the player to spectator upon being tagbed?

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Yea, it does. Hold up, I edited something and I think it may work lemme check

What did you edit?
If you can, can you send a video of the system in-game using a video to gif converter?

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Sure, I edited something that made it when u tag someone the player becomes spectator. I guess it does work because when I kill someone now the murderer respawns and the player who dies becomes spectator

Wait, so what’s the problem?

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self-kill xD

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Well, technically, the problem was just solved sooooo I guess I should mark a solution

Oh, okay.

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