I cant get a sentry to stop firing

Don’t make two zones only make one, the sentries share the same zone.
To make them frozen in place:
Lifecycle: Game start → Trigger (0.8 delay) activate barrier.
Barrier must not be active on game start, barrier will also be on the primary lvl

Memory is about 1%

zone sentry interactions i assumed were removed
unless they´re back again o.o
i mean you used to be able to use zones and teleporters to interact with sentries but not anymore and that was ages ago when the bbsi tag was created (bring back sentry interactions) if you want to freeze sentries you can just put a non-visible barrier over them and have them be on the opposite team thats pretty much the closest you can get

bruh ._. hol up when did zones start workin with sentries again

In platformer you can teleport a sentry, and you can use zones to disable their weapons

Sometime…I will admit, I was super determined to take away a sentries weapon and I might’ve spent too much time on Gimkit figuring out ways to do that-

wait so thats only in platformer?
my brain just crashed
if i knew sentries could be teleported in platformer i wouldve created a falling sentry loop

I haven’t tested teleportation in top-down yet, but I believe you can.

Yes sir alr done it

cough cough lag machine time

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wait so this still works in top down though right?

Use a barrier then make the barrier invis then make it small to the size of sentry

but did you even read what I wanted

wouldnt the barrier stop it from even pointing at its enemy