I can't edit devices

And Yes I tried refreshing

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Is it just that or with all devices? Because I think maybe they might be getting an update based on this.

all the devices, if i wasn’t clicking the sentry I would be clicking the button

  • you can see the clicks due to Chromebook allowing that
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Gimkit is really buggy report at hello@gimkit.com

Maybe turn your Chromebook on and off? Or check your school’s wifi.

that’s an unrelated bug thing that leads back to this

that’s blocked by the district

i tried and i’m at home rn

yeah the forum can help you find a way around it but the mods will not look here for bugs

My game is allowing editing so it’s probably a problem with your computer/map. Not the site.

i know :sob:
can you try to help tho?

I closed the tab and reopened it and that Seemed to worked ;-;
Edit it didn’t


nvm i’m gonna try a hard reset (not a factory reset)

That was it lol

Your welcome, and thanks for linking me!

np ;D

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