I can't choose a character

I’m making a character box pvp like fortnite, and I need 6 more characters (i already have 2, Gojo + Goku)

Please Only Choose 6

  • :bear: Freddy Fazbear (Jumpscare)
  • :hammer_and_pick: Mod/Admin (Ban Hammer)
  • :military_helmet: Soldier/ Tank (Lots of health + Good weapon)
  • :gem: Bounty Hunter (Kills Players for Good Rewards)
  • :fishing_pole_and_fish: Fisherman (Can Fish in the Air in Hopes of a Good Reward)
  • :baby: Baby (Small and Weak but Extremely Fast)
  • :brain: Genius (Can Bore People to Sleep)
  • :computer: Hacker (Hacks People and Puts Weird Popups on Their Screen)
  • :superhero:Omni-Man (Has Very Good Weapons + Super Healing)
  • :superhero:Superman (Laser Eyes)
  • :eight_pointed_black_star: Kizaru (Can Shoot Opponents with Small Yellow Light Beams)
  • :black_joker: Mime (Creates Barriers and Protects Themselves)
  • :ninja: Naruto (Can Make Clones and Decoys of Himself)
  • :facepunch: One-Punch Man (Can Use a One Time Move Per Match Witch Instakills the Opponent)
  • :soccer: Soccer Player (Can Shoot a Soccer Ball so Fast, That it Explodes, Greatly Damaging Anyone Near it)
  • :ghost: Shinigami/Soul Reaper (Can Set Up Ghost Traps That Attack Nearby Players)
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If you need more examples, you could look at this.

I’m not advertising, I’m just stating something you could use.

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Also make sure for the one punch man only one punch every 5 seconds. It’s to make sure they don’t spam the one punching thing


They can only use it one time a match


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Idk how I missed that. I literally just won my school spelling bee and moved on to regionals today :sob: I’m just tired

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Bump Is it bad to bump your own post?

As long as it didn’t get more attention or is too old (you can bump topics if the last bump or the topic was 5 days ago), yes.

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Sounds like a cool game!

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How would you manage the Freddy Fazbear and the Mime? Would it have special spots with barriers accessible only to the mime in certain spots with global scope, same with Freddy but with teleporters? And how would the “Naruto” work, with clones? Just asking, seems pretty advanced.

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Yes, it is bad to bump your own post since it hasn’t been 5 days.

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im pretty sure your supposed to wait more than just 5 days


Freddy jumpscare would get banned because FNAF is not allowed to be published


Then do Bobby jump-scare. Duh


hm, this seems like a cool idea!

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Freddy Fazbear is easy, just make a barrier with a text or something, and the mime I can just make it so that when they press the overlay, all the deactivated buttons that activate barriers activate all across the floor only letting the mime use them

Okay, I was thinking that would be really the only way to do it. Thanks for clarifying, but it sounds insanely technical.

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which one? Freddy or the mime (I would assume mime as the freddy one is easier and less complex)


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I know I will do something like Scary bear or somethign! Please stop screaming!!