How would you make a 2048 bit prime number randomizer?

geez, calm down, you dont have to slam your keyboard…

It’s copy and paste + it takes forever to randomly get a prime number that long!

twas nothing but a joke my good sir.

If we have a list of 2048 bit prime numbers, we can randomly choose from that list.

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I gotta know what you’re doing with RSA lol
Also, as a future note, never say “Oh, I need to generate large prime numbers/do literally anything with large prime numbers- no, I’m not telling you what I’m doing, it’s top secret!”
It’s a dead giveaway you’re working with cyrptography, probably RSA.

That’s what we said earlier!

I know! But you don’t know the full story.

sigh… another acronym i dont know…
what is RSA?

They are the ones to rediscover this type of cryptography

RSA is an encryption algorithm. It’s used to send data from point A to point B without it being decipherable to someone intercepting it. It’s most known for being used in most modern internet communication- in fact, this very message has been encrypted and decrypted with RSA! This means if someone intercepted it on it’s way to the forum site, they would have no idea what I’m saying.


ahhhh. so cryptography is encrypting code and such?

That’s why I love RSA!

Pretty much - Look at blackhole’s post!

Add that the only way to decrypt it is to know a specific number.

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like a key? makes sense. so from point A sends a encrypted message, but to see it point B has to have a key to see the message?

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Exactly- RSA works with a key number and a lock number. You can only decrypt the message with the key, and you can only encrypt it with the lock. The locks and keys are prime numbers, which is why asking about large prime numbers is such a giveaway that you’re working with RSA lol.



Go RSA, go RSA, go RSA!
Is there any other way to make a 2048 bit prime number in gimkit? Besides randomizing the set numbers

Yes, it’s completely possible. Just use one of the algorithms in the wikipedia page I linked above.
These algorithms are very difficult to compute past the first few numbers, though.

Where is it ? I can’t find it.