How would you make a 2048 bit prime number randomizer?

Should I add the unresolved tag?

Oh- you added clay institute lol
I donā€™t think this is clay institute, since it doesnā€™t unlock to much inside gimkit.

When I said it was clay institute, I mean that it was quite literally closely linked to the solution of one of the actual millennium problems, set forth with a 1,000,000 dollar bounty by the clay institute.

(Then again, this math is way over my head, so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s linked to the Riemann hypothesis or not.)


Lol; Ill remove it. If you cant create it I dont know who can.

Iā€™m a compsci guy, not a math guy. I donā€™t know how to find a formula that is efficiently computable lol, I just can write code.


A lot of ppl (including myself lol) see you and Shdwy as gimkitā€™s best coders.


I would not call myself the best- I certainly think there are people better than me.

Also, programmer != mathematician. My AP CSP grade may be a 104, but my AP Precalc grade is barely a 90.

Finally, back on topic, I took a look at this formula in desmos, because why not, and I discovered that desmos just canā€™t compute large primes, which means good luck doing it in gimkit.


Oh yea before I start helping with anything I should probably mention that number properties have a very small limit (at least when you directly enter them; I believe the number limit of number blocks might be bigger).

I think the largest number you can fit into a number property is 41 bits, but Iā€™m not totally sure since my memory sucks

I mean I thought the largest you could fit into a text property was 256 characters, which turned out to be wrong because, with the use of blocks, it could be bigger. Not sure about number properties though.

whatā€™s your secret project? can u give me a hint? Iā€™m curious now

If weā€™re trying to store a large number I think the only viable way is to use a text property. Iā€™m gonna go find the max for text properties.

what is clay institute?! Im so lost in the sauce rnā€¦

Ok- according to Wikipedia a 2048 bit number has a max of 617 decimal digits, so i think you would need two text properties to store 1 2048 bit number.

So uh- maybe 1024 bit numbers?
Also this is so clearly cryptographic stuff what are you doing lol


Congrats, you figured it out! Sorry, I had to go to bed.

Clay institute is a mathematical institution. They set forth 7 problems a while ago, and offered 1,000,000 dollars to anyone who could solve one of them.

This problem is closely related to one oof those problems.

ohhh! too bad iā€™m terrible at math, and probaly cant get halfway on any of them

This wonā€™t generate large prime numbers. I found Desmos failed to compute numbers in the sequence past around 24. So itā€™s not what youā€™re looking for, since this means gimkit wont be able to compute larger numbers.

The problems are very difficult- some of them have been unsolved for over a hundred years.

Iā€™m so depressed right now. Now, I have to scrap my whole idea!

Orā€¦ you could just use smaller prime numbers. What were you going to do?