How would I make MD?

I want to make MD but i don’t know how I would start it out


Its Abbreviated for Murd3r Dr0n3s Its an indie animated horror show by Glitch Productions

Ok, I can’t help. Uhh…

Can you guys tell me more about MD so I can help?

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Honestly its kinda hard to explain because its complicated in my opinion, you kinda gotta watch it to understand lol

Thats true, but it just depends on how you look at the situation


Hi Big brother N

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but like, what are the character’s names

Okay well you Have N (me), Cyn(Lep’s Pfp), Uzi, V, J, Tessa, Doll, Nori, Thad, Khan, and Lizzy.
Those are the characters you see almost every episode.

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