i need a quick chat for my game can someone help me?
theres like 5 guides on this . . .
you could make buttons you press that say ceartian pre made messages with notifacations
ive tried those guides but they didnt help me (i checked before i posted)
Overlay → popup → notification.
Give me a sec to share some images on this.
i want it to say the players username
Yeah but all the pictures are deleted from them …
You could make a popup system with the new feature popup call to action.
Popup Call to action clicked: Relay all players: Notification: Block code:
@JJ-studios Grah how are you so fast lol
i dont have the season pass
its part of the season ticket right?
oh my bad (sometimes i mix things up)
Then just do:
Popup: Popup Call to Action clicked: >> Relay all players: Notification: Block code:
Yes, the Popup Call to Action Device is Season Ticket Exclusive
Isn’t the device version just a list of buttons? Like a menu?
why does that look so cool, they gotta release that device to all soon that popup looks insanely cool that you made
You could use a keyboard. Make it using this guide.
After, make people’s speed the max and make it wired to notifications.
it doesnt have pictures (just like every other guide after the image purge)
Yeah… my bad. I forgot about that.
its ok (sometimes i forget too)