How to use player name notifications? Help! [MAYBE RESOLVED]

So, does anyone know how to make a notification using properties that has the player name when knocked out?

Sorta like this

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Well I mean there is already something at the bottom that tells you (player name) knocked out, so I don’t really get why you would need two.

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Yeah I also wanted it for other reasons - not just knocked out. If you do know how, that would be great but if you don’t, that’s fine!

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you can use blocks to set a property to [Triggering Player’s Name] and have that connect to a relay that broadcasts a message to a notification with blocks in it to set the name and message to the [property value] + “text”

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Thank You!!! Really Helps! :grinning:


I know this is the help channel but how do you display the Jobozo. eyed down someone else

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Well, I saw a map where they did this but I was asking a question for notifications. We might be able to make a message appear in the knocked out notifications somehow!?!

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You can learn how to display something in the activity feed here:


Are you able to explain this a little more in-depth? I don’t really understand

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Bump because unanswered

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What is the new question?

I think it is explaining Blackhole’s Activity feed guide? It looks like the original one has already been answered.

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Lifecycle device:

Wire it to a trigger:

Go in the blocks for the trigger so when triggered:


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