How to respawn players in platformer

So you want to respawn players in your platformer that I know off there is 2 ways to do this
Way 1
devices needed
game overlay (x1)
Respawn (x1)

  1. place a game overlay somewhere in your map
  2. change to these settings

    you can change where the button is at if you want
  3. place down a respawn device
  4. wire the game overlay to the respawn like this

way 2
devices needed

  1. place a zone in the ground like this
  2. place down a respawn device
  3. wire zone to respawn device like this

    and your done. if I was making a map I would add both of them because just like in DLD the higher you are the further you fall so the respawn button removes that wait time
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Welcome to the forums @Halloween_Coster but this is very short

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Nice guide! But sorry to burst your bubble but there are numerous guides like this. (Not trying to be rude or anything)

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thank you
I’m gonna add more to it soon
after it becomes un flagged

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yes I got to admit my first guide was bluh and it’s okay you’ll get better why soo many bot’s

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how do I make the post show up again

This post already exits…
There really is no point in copying it, plus comunity made guide are longer than this
Welcome to the forums! Make sure you read TOS and FAQ etc. etc.

sorry they flagged it you can’t I didn’t cause ik this your first