How to play Gimkit Creative BEFORE 4pm?

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thats the neat part, you don’t

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it’s possible but dont

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HOW!!! can you please tell me

you will get banned from gimkit

Do not bcs then gk will get blocked in more schools

but you can by making your account a teacher from uk

first: you can’t post codes on the forums, i suggest moving to wix

second: discovery is closed during school hours for good reasons, so don’t try anything to bypass it

oh. really. but im curiose. can u plaese tell me

Do not try to bypass

If you go to school then you will get gimkit banned if enough ppl know in ur school

well… im on a school computer so i probably cant go on Wix…

We are protecting you from not playing gimkit at all.

You aren’t allowed to post codes on the forum, and bypassing this could lead to your school blocking gimkit.

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Either don’t bypass and do gk or bypass and gk might be banned from ur school

soooo… its better to not have discovery until 4pm then not have gimkit at all.

plus you will get banned from gimkit

All we are trying to do is let you do Gimkit and not get it banned

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