How to open doors with items (Difficulty: 2/10 đźź©)

Well, since the guides are now in the replies, I think you’re good. Also, you can make vending machines invisible in-game.

It’s generally considered etiquette to credit someone’s guide if they’re similar.

Ok! I might try to make a 10/10 difficulty guide

Oh right, lol i guess this would be an alternative

Ok ill keep that in mind then

Oh yeah, you did an amazing job with this guide! I like how you numbered the steps and added lots of screenshots! Great job!

thanks a lot for the feedback! ill mess around with block code and it will probably be included in another guide

Just remember: length does NOT equal difficulty.
While a huge guide is daunting, a short guide can be just as difficult to understand. Take
@ClicClac’s guide on AUO (Check it out if you haven’t already BTW). Difficult guides include a lot of devices, code, concepts, etc.

Just try to keep this in mind.

Be Creative,

Very true and wise words, @Dragontamer.

Maybe check out this guide:

OK! so should i put it at a difficulty 2? i put 4 cause I thought adding a lot of devices would be more confusing for newer creaters

Yeah, I suggest you do that. This guide doesn’t really use that many devices, though.

You wanna see a guide with devices???

Of course, ___ Land and Clic-Tac-Toe.

i read that one already lol it does

btw this method might be better cause you can make it cost multiple items. I’m not sure if you can do that with vending machines though

With checkers, you can.

Yep, but I do think that @Blackhole927 discovered AUO, not @ClicClac. (unless something happened that I am not caught up with or missed)

I did.

woah that is a lot better then the way were doing it thanks


Sorry, I forgot, haven’t looked in a while.
I just remembered ClicClac made the guide, my bad!

love this it is great

Thanks :pray: I am using this for my map. Be on the look out for Wired fights :eyes:

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