How to Make Your Game Have 2 Games in 1

does it really bother you that much?

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but the fact that they dont listen to anyone else does

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Wow! How did you figure that out.

Grammar police: itā€™s really, not Riley.

Bad grammar compilation:

(It should be name of the games)

Donā€™t forget your capital letters!
And also, ground-breaking discovery!

technically, most of this is spelling mistakes o-O

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is this sarcastic? cuz if it is, its not niceā€¦

This is not sarcastic, IRL I didnā€™t know that ā€¦

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I am officially bad at gimkitā€¦

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I can read.
<lllloknjnk 20 carikters>

u canā€™t put numbers

wait nvm u canā€¦
alr idk what u did wrong

hi put spacesā€¦

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This is an interesting guide. Itā€™s sort of similar to my guide on how to make in game waiting rooms except you can enter the games whenever you want.

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