How to make upgrades in turn-based games

Well hello everyone, Ian is here
And gimbit
yes, gimbit is here, which your in every guide
Yeah i know, you havent made a guide sence december though

shush, anyways, we will be making upgrades for turn-based games
But what are upgrades
Glad you asked, upgrades for turn-based games make the options stronger, like more health, more damage, more sp
Well, just get started now
well first, they should probably go read the last guide, heres a link


X Triggers
1 button
1 popup
1 health granter (healing)
1 vending machine (healing)
1 item granter (resting)

Is that, it

yea why
Thats so little, there must be some your hiding
im not hiding a single bit
Yea, yea, whatever you say

step 1

first we need to make them unlockable
Place the button and put it to a channel

Now place the triggers needed or X ammount

Set up the triggers to automatically be deactivated, but activate when the unlocking channel goes through

Is that it…
gimbit, there’s a step 2

step 2

Seiously, three ways
yes, its for attacking, healing, and resting
Thats so much reading though


Guessing you already have a starting ammount of triggers before you read, but if nit, just have as many as you want

Now for the wiring, wire up the last starting damager to the starting unlockable damager

Now make this happens

triggered → trigger

Now wire up the first unlockable to the second unlockable

Then do the same thing

triggered → trigger

And we are done
With it all


You only need one unlockable trigger, one health granter, and one vending machine

Set the vending machine to the price of sp (sp can be any time)

Now wire up the vending machine to both trigger, and health granter

Now make the health granter

item purchased → grant player health

And make the trigger

item purchased → trigger

Now wire up the trigger to the health granter

Now make the wire have

triggered → grant player health

And healing is done
Now just resting, this is going to be so fun


You will only need a unlockable trigger and a item granter

Make the item granter grant x ammount of sp, and the item of sp you gain

Now wire up the trigger to the item granter

And set it to

triggered → grant item

And its done
Wait it was that fast

Yea, but just wait

Now, before you go “but Ian, how are they gonna work” we just need to trigger the rest option to the unlockable trigger from last guide, then they will all work
I doupt they will say this

they might of, also its doubt

Alright, but merr-
gimbit, its January, Christmas was last month


Great guide! I think this could help many people! Maybe gimbit needs to go in the corner though (mods are getting mad about people using alternate identities like say your good pal gimbit)

um I thought this everyone knew 0/10 in my books

oh wait NVM that’s more complex than what I do

We actually see what gimbit looks like!
I always thought you were just a art guy, i guess i was wrong.

Hey, uhh, so how about we not do the Gimbit stuff next time? It’s fine to leave it here, but we’re trying to not have that because it makes guides harder to read, and it’s just unnecessary clutter on the guide.

Other than that, great guide, it’s super useful and original.
Thoughts: turn-based tag?



nice guide tho

What if the alter ego gives tips.
Like, the alter ego is actually on topic, instead of gimbit here.

No. It just makes it confusing and cluttering. If you have tips, you don’t need a special character to say them.

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Dang it.

Trend setting failed. lol

So basically no alter egos at all?

Yep. Unless I’m mistaken again.