HOW to make the ultimate CABIN! 🏠 (Difficulty 0/10)

SO I am showing you how to make a cabin. I have a feeling its been done… BUT I AM MAKING THIS ONE so it is special okay?? :pleading_face:
NOW first. Start with something like this.
Screenshot 2024-12-19 5.35.28 PM
Make multiple of these by pressing C on your computer. ( IDK about phone… gotta ask my friend Zach- ) ANYWAY… I would go for something along the lines of maybe… building it up already? Make them as wide as you want and leave spaces for the doors, roof, and windows. (DISCLAIMER: I also have disabled shadows cause it looks weirdo) Like so:

I was gonna use layering for the windows, thank you.
Now… time for the door and windows… (Use emojis)
Like so:

(Don’t forget layering and I added poles to the doors to cover that up)
For the roof, I tried resizing the dark wooden pole… came out- decent… maybe… all you have to do is disable the shadow, and rotate some of the poles like so:
Screenshot 2024-12-19 5.54.16 PM
AND ya gotta add the chimney… maybe… I made a brick wall emoji and put… concrete thing on it… like so:
Screenshot 2024-12-19 5.56.53 PM
Now… a CUSTOM SHADOW… using a barrier:
Screenshot 2024-12-19 5.58.33 PM
AND thats it!! If you want, feel free to… add you own stuff!!

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bump an amazing guide :star_struck:


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cool guide


It wont happen again. :smiling_face:

1 Like

this is very helpful for the game im making


o7 metal_sonic-1


I am glad it could. :sweat_smile:

uh huh

O7 metal_sonic-1


I like making the outside of houses for gimkit creative maps, and this is a helpful design to use. Overall, an awesome guide!

o7 @metal_sonic-1

bruh why must I edit this 2000 times!?


My last post before I go on christmas break!!!
I sure hope this guide helps people…
MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FELLOW GIMKITTERS!! (Spelt that wrong :smiley: ):christmas_tree:


have a good break cya when you get back (merry bumpmas)