How To Make The Notification Device Tell You how much of something you have!

Hi Its Greanpie!

This tutorial has block code so if you don’t know how to do block code you might not be able to make this.


@Quack_QuackG for helping me in my Help
How Do You Make The Notification Device Tell You how much of something you have?
@greanpie me


1 inventory item manager
1 Property
1 checker
1 notification
1 button
1 item granter
Block Code


First place a button With This Inside -

then place a checker with this -

then place an item granter that grants negative 10 cash when the checker passes.
place a inventory item manager and property. in the inventory item manager do this -

and set everything to no pretty much but update property Cash_.
then in the property do this -

then place a notification so when the checker fails block code -
Fail Code
and when the checker passes block code -

this is what the notifications should look like -

and you Have a notification that tells you how much cash you have when you purchase or fail to purchase!!!


  • Too Easy
  • Easy
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  • Hard
  • Super Hard
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Nice guide @greanpie!