How to make special effects [✨]

*Royale :slight_smile:

You can hide the ball behind a prop, or make it small.

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This could require a certain BUMP


I second that BUMP!

But today is the day…

See this? I can finally use it. (idea: make it so when a boss is eliminated in Fortnite they get this particle effect)

I knew this guide would come in handy!

I would love to use this thing on my platformer map if gimkit added blastballs to platformer

Read this

And the replies above

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Ah ok
But what that gotta do with gimkit might adding Blastballs in platformer?

Read the replies before mine. (The ones in the topic I linked)

You know the first thing I’m making with blastball platformer…

PINBALL!!!, I call dibs on the guide though since I have the top-down version already.

@Cellofive yeah I did see that

ummm but didn’t I use if in this sentence?
Or am I being smooth again?



…so whats goin on???

Hey! It hasn’t been five days!
Just kidding ~ do we even keep those rules anymore?

probally not… i dont care about that rule.

Hm. Interesting. I still follow them.
It’s kind of embedded in my routine…
Also, this guide sure has gotten a lot of attention and respect.
That’s good, though.


@Nixximon is there a way to reactivate the ball? i need to use this more than 5 times.

No i’ve tried but you can place 5 blastballs and make them activate at different times though it takes a lot of energy. If you want different blastballs in different spots you can do that easily

i did that in my game that is in my bio

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Nice guide, Nixximon!

Thank you this is rather an old post tho (bump)

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