How to make someone automatically in first place
bro what do you mean?
the game ends and they are first place
Make a counter that increments and updates a property. That property is only put on the leaderboard.
but I already put height on the leaderboard
is there a way to copy and paste teraian
Unfortunately not.
Just use the brush to change it to 4 blocks per click
you cant max is 4
4 is probably what they meant.
is there a way to copy and paste more than one thing at a time
Yeah, drag-clicking…
what’s drag clicking
What device do you play on? The i-pad?
Well uuuuuum, “Drag-clicking is dragging your finger across the mouse button to get multiple clicks quickly. When you drag your finger across the mouse button while applying very light pressure, the friction causes your finger to skip across the mouse button and click the mouse with each skip.”
but how does that copy and paste
can you
I don’t think that’s how you multi-select…