How to make somebody switch teams when they get knocked out

Is it a tag zone, or a knockout?
Tags and KOs, are not the same thing.

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sorry i have not responded I sometimes go AFK anyways my game is a tag game and when someone gets tagged they become a tagger

Well, then you have to change the knockout device to a tag zone device. (Player gets tagged by someone else → Switch Teams)

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Alright, Sooooo…
You gonna need a Respawner and a Team Switcher, along with the sentry. Wire the Sentry to the respawner, and set to “When Knocked out” and “Activate Respawn”. Then, wire the respawn to the Team Switcher, and “When respawned” and “Switch Teams”

I hope this was helpful, @ThatOneGamer234 !

wait wdym lifecycles dont work? they work perfectly fine.



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