How to make questions optional?

In one of my games, I recently added a question-answering system. I’d like to find a way for that to be turned off, but without having to spawn anyone elsewhere. Can somebody help?

I would have a button that only the host can press that sets a property. Whenever a person does something that would normally make you try to answer a question, have a checker that checks the property, and only activate the questioner when the property is equal to a certain number.

Okay, wait, can you explain that a little simpler, because I am thoroughly confused.

Button for host sets property. Use checker for property. If the property is equal to a number, activate questioner.

Unless you can deactivate questioners, then this is really overly complicated. Just make the button broadcast to deactivate the questioner.

Okay, thank you! I will mark a solution after I try it(might take a few days.)

What you need:
1 Lifecycle

1 Popup

Header text: Questions?
Content text: Do you want questions?
(Or something like that)
Call to action label: Yes
Secondary call to action label: No
Closable by player: No

1 Questioner
Lifecycle>Popup (When event occurs, open popup)
Popup>Questioner (When secondary call to action clicked, deactivate questioner)

1 Like

I will try it, thanks!

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