How to make player counter

ok thanks for the help

I’ll tell you if it works

should I use trigger or wire repeaters?is there a better one

just use repeaters for the sake of it being easy

but once you become more advanced, you can use wire repeaters/trigger clocks

there are simpler, but

okay thanks for the info

how do you make it show up in the top corner like in snowy survival

is that even possible?

Use a game overlay device
Make a block with this code

what should I make the code on (trigger,relay,counter)

The game overlay

Than what do I do after that block code?

That should be it! Just make sure it’s visible on game start

thank you For the help!!!

it says undefined???

Which guide did you use?

the one you posted??

that’s the one I used

Ok you’ll need a property that is called players set to number
In the counter, add these settings
Then it should work