How to make it that if someone is in a certain location something happens

So I wan’t to have it so it checks if your in a certain location or place or else something happens, cause Zones only check if you enter or leave it, not it you are already in it

you can use inequalites to check if someone is between certain “lines”

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You can still use a zone, enters just means that the player is in the zone.
Does this help?
Wire it so “player enters zone” > transmit on channel

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that doesn’t mean you can check if they are in the zone at any specific time though.

Use a small zone (hear me out)
Make it so enters the zone means that the player is inside, and when the player has left, he is outside.

That wasn’t the question, I think.

I really do think it works if the player is just in the zone, because as they load in they’re technically entering the zone.

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oh wait

counter is 1 if they are inside
counter is 0 if they are outside

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