How to make eyes that follow you 1/10 [🟩]

Hey guys and gals, this guide will show you how to make eyes that follow you when you get in its range. I made a video because it would be easier and quicker. Here it is!

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Not bad but I feel like it still needs description and such. Also the AI/filtered voice is cursed :skull: lol

The video is a bit hard to follow (for me)…

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lol yea I said that towards the end.


is it just me or does this happen:

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Hm. Might be you, try refreshing or closing and reopening the tab.

still doesnt work for me

media files and such don’t work on some devices so it could be that. and there isn’t an alt text.

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well, i can switch devices soon

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Oh ok. Cool.

Intresting guide! I like the visual demonstration in the end of the video. Personally, i would have added some captions to make following the instructions easier, but other than that, it’s pretty good!

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oh no… new horror game ideas :scream_cat:
and nice guide!
saves your fingers from the typing.

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lol yeah, I got the idea once I was playing Doors. Thanks!


I was thinking you could make screech or something? It reminded me of doors too.

oo yea. I could make a Seek.

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Nice guide!

But the amount of wires in the video…

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Thanks, @chunky !

lol yeah.

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Nice guide! But why do you have to use that ai voice and also randomly roar :skull::skull::skull:

hehehe… horror artist here :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Using this in my game

No objections >:))

great guide :+1:


This is an interesting idea, but could I suggest adding a transcript just in case someone can’t watch the video?

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