How to make "animations" in gimkit

Does anyone know how to make an animation like scene for a gimkit?

with like gim talking or somthing???

What type of animation do you want?

Activating and deactivating barriers is the best way to do animation.

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more like it focuses on a certain thing and things could move or something could make popups with props and stuff for a cutseance
2. use camera points to make running

here’s a screen shot of our monstrosity right now:

just a few camera points and wires :rofl:

if ya wanna save memory. you can switch to numbered channels.

ex: frame1

my “co-producer” already used both, or so he says, he probably doesn’t want to admit his frustration

He says he doesn’t want to redo it :rofl:

it took him 30 minutes

anyways, what’s the animation supposed to be?

*45 minutes he says uuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh

btw I could only fit half the triggers in the screen shot

Your forgot to blur the game c0de.

its supposed to be you “looking” around the room

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its not smooth at all

You would need to have multiple camera points in- between stopping points to make this effect