How to make animals in Gimkit Creative!

Hope you feel better soon, @Frozen_cursor!


Yes iā€™m fine! Iā€™m currently building the animals!

Thank you!

Why canā€™t you build even though your sick? Isnā€™t that most people do when theyā€™re sick? Play video games?

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No, I wasnā€™t sick I had a breathing problem with my lungs and I had to go to the doctor and I was just very busy.

But this is gimkit, letā€™s not get off topicā€¦

Having problems with your body is sickā€¦but okay! Another idea for an animal, the dog from Raising Caneā€™s. (this is not promoting my guide to make the logo in any way wink)


Are you ok @Frozen_cursor

I like the Bills too

What do you mean by that? Also, welcome to the forums!

Thanks but what I meant is I like The Buffalo Bills like Beast Buffalo does

Welcome to the Community @BRUH8!

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Welcome @BRUH8 !

Welcome to the forum, @BRUH8! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more help. For rules, take a look at the FAQ and Guidelines (I think).


Donā€™t! This is a guide you worked hard on! Donā€™t let the hard work become a waste of time!

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im back!
i had to wait 24 hours because im new

meow :3

hello, your profile is really cute, i thought that i was the only one here

Guys, donā€™t get off-topic

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thank u! UwU your profile pic is cute too!